Amaranth plant possesses valuable nutritional qualities and miraculous strength. The information about amaranth and its characteristics is currently available on many internet sites. We would like to provide some more information about perspectives of amaranth growing in Armenia. As significant part of population in our country experiences the problem of malnutrition or cannot afford full value diet, we have chosen amaranth because of its highly nutritional qualities. Climatic conditions in Armenia are favorable for growing of this undemanding crop, which is resistant to drought and temperature drops. Moreover, the nutritional and healthy values of this plant are indisputable. Amaranth can become a perfect substitute of many protein products or a good alimentary adding, which is especially important for indigent population. Another important characteristic of that crop is that it is a wasteless agricultural product, both the grains and leaves of which are used.

Power Point Presentation: Nutrition and Sustainable development Armenia: experience of Amaranth growing

sozrel_sm sbor_sm wom_sm
It’s time to take the crop
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Ladie’s first!
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Amaranth field President of
AWHHE and “Amaranth” team
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“Amaranth” team
With love.. Amaranth seeds are basking in the sun…
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And everything is for your sake…!
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Count of bags with amaranth flour
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Tasting of amaranth products
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Healthy future to you, little one!
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Healthy Environment for Our Children – Healthy Generation for Armenia