Project was implemented with the support of HCWH Europe
Duration: 6 months, July 2004- December 2004
Location: Kotayk
The project “Maintenance of Safety and Health in Hospitals in Armenia ” is aimed on promotion the reducing of the volume and toxicity of infectious medical waste and unused pharmaceuticals.
The goal of the project was determined according the existing high risk both for persons handling medical waste in health care facilities and the environment.
The ways chosen for studying the problem were: pilot sites, qualitative& quantitative assessment, the inventory.
- The project estimated the quantity and composition of generated infectious medical waste in one of Hospital;
- obtained the objective and precise information on existing stockpiles and the substances stored in Kotayk Hospital on the example of inventory of unused drugs;
- trained 85 medical personnel on the alternative non incineration methods of treatment and disposal of IMW such as steam sterilization, autoclaving, micro waving were introduced through trainings and seminars;
- developed recommendations to health care facilities and MOH of RA.
- Hospitals generate large amounts of diverse waste that require safe treatment and disposal (infectious waste, pharmaceuticals).
- MW including expired pharmaceuticals which are biologically active could pose a significant health, safety and environmental hazard when improperly stored or disposed to the environment.
- There is no safe way of treatment and disposal of medical waste in health care facilities in Armenia
- Expired pharmaceuticals are accumulated in health care facilities in large amounts.
- The existing system of medical waste handling in TB Dispensary does not allow to reach full safety in terms of environmental health effects. The potential danger remains since the complete disinfection (full contact with waste) in the TB Dispensary not always is carried out.
- The acquisition of enough medical package, containers, marking of IMW will allow to reduce potential risk of IMW for environment and medical personnel health.
- The acquisition of equipment for treatment and disinfection of MW will allow to reduce the total amount of IMW and transfer infectious waste into safe household waste category.
- The education of medical personnel will allow correctly realize segregation, use safe methods of waste gathering and transportation.
- The findings prompt the necessity of very urgent measures to be taken on official level in terms of creation of system of MWM and appropriate legislative documents as well as creation plants for recycling and recovering
The entire staff of the NGO AWHHE is deeply grateful to HCWH Europe funded the project Maintenance of Safety and Health in Hospitals in Armenia by their invaluable support made it possible to implement all proposed objectives. We want to express our profound appreciation to HCWH USA supported AWHHE in creation and publishing Posters and booklets used in project implementation.