- Project goal: to promote quick ratification and assist treaty implementation.
- Project duration: 9 months (January-July 2014)
Armenia signed the Minamata Convention on mercury in October 2013 and has already launched enabling activities towards its ratification.
Mercury is used in a wide variety of household devices and products. These items release mercury into the environment when broken or improperly disposed. If spilled, mercury absorbs into many materials while slowly evaporating into the air over time, allowing for exposure. Knowing what products and items contain mercury and handling them properly, will limit the risk of mercury exposure. Common products often have a simple and environmentally friendly alternative.
The project focused on the following most common mercury containing products available to the public in Armenia
- Mercury containing medical devices
- Mercury containing vaccine
- Dental amalgam used in previous years
- Mercury containing batteries
- Mercury containing lamps
- LED screens of mobile phones and computer/laptop screens
- Mercury containing skin-lightening creams and children’s cosmetics
- A matter of special concern is presence of mercury containing pesticides in storages of banned and obsolete pesticides.
AWHHE acknowledges financial support by Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) and the European Commission (EC) via the European Environmental Bureau/Zero Mercury Working Group in this project