The Republic of Armenia signed the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health in 1999. In line with article 6 of the Protocol, draft targets and target dates in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health were prepared during the period of 2013-2014 within the UNECE-FinWaterWei project and approved by the National Policy Dialogue on Water Policy Steering Committee meeting in May 2014. The Protocol requires periodic revision of the targets.

Equitable access score card and the preparation of the Action Plan on equitable access to water and sanitation for 2018-2020, approved by the Chairman of the State Committee for Water Economy of the Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources. However, Armenia requires support in implementing selected measures under the Action Plan, which will contribute in its turn to reducing inequalities in access to water and sanitation in the country.

To discuss support to be provided by UNECE within the EUWI+ project, a Consultation meeting on the Protocol on Water and Health and equitable access to water supply and sanitation in Armenia was organized in Yerevan on 5 December 2017, jointly with UNDP. As a result, it was decided to revise the national targets under the Protocol, taking into account recent national and global developments, such as the conclusion of the Agreement on Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership between Armenia and the EU and the Sustainable Development Goals. It was also decided to commence the implementation of the first measure under the Action Plan for equitable access to water and sanitation, more specifically measure no.1 (analysis of the water legislative framework and identification of the legislative barriers to ensure the implementation of the Equitable access score-card).

The current assignment focuses on completing the whole cycle of the revision of targets (baseline analysis, prioritization of problems, drafting of targets and consultation process) and implementing the first measure under the Action Plan on equitable access to water and sanitation.

Task 1: Preparation of draft revised national targets under the Protocol on Water and Health

In accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on Water and Health, the targets were revised to reflect the current situation in the water supply and sanitation sector, as well as were harmonized with the Agenda 2030.

Task 2: Analysis of the water legislative framework and identification of legislative barriers to ensure the implementation of the Equitable access score-card

This assignment includes an analysis of the legislative framework and a package of legislative reform proposals to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation in Armenia.

Task 3. Organizing a National Stakeholder Consultation meeting and two working meetings to discuss the process of revision of national targets and implementation of the Action Plan on equitable access.

The methodology for the setting of targets under the Protocol on Water and Health, as contained in the official guidelines documents, requires the organization of broad consultation on draft targets and the plan for their implementation. This is required to reflect the views and needs of different stakeholders in various parts of the country. The same is applicable for the implementation of the Action Plan on equitable access to water and sanitation, which requires consultation on legislative reforms necessary to eliminate geographical, economic and social disparities in access to water and sanitation.

The National Stakeholder Consultation meeting to discuss both streams of work was organized on the 19th of February, 2019 in Yerevan.

