Our Contacts:

24/2, Baghramyan Ave.,
Yerevan 0019, Armenia
tel. / fax. (+374 10) 523604
E-mail: officeawhhe@awhhe.am



On 04 December 2015, AWHHE represented the civil society sector at the inception workshop of the UNDP/GEF on the full sized project “Elimination of obsolete pesticides Stockpiles and addressing  POPs contaminated sites within a sound  chemicals management framework”. The workshop organized by UNDP-Armenia Office was opened by the Deputy Minister of  Ministry of Nature protection RA. UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Armenia addressed the participants with an opening welcome.   UNDP project coordinator noted the long-term commitment of AWHHE NGO to elimination of obsolete pesticide stockpiles in Armenia.

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Уважаемый коллега!

Мы обращаемся к Вам за поддержкой в создании Глобального альянса по поэтапному отказу от особо опасных пестицидов (ООП) на предстоящей сессии МКРХВ4 в Женеве.[1] [2] [3] Мы полагаем, что такой альянс, основывающийся на уроках успешного Глобального альянса СПМРХВ за ликвидацию свинца в краске, жизненно важен. Он поможет странам в адекватном обращении с ООП и в их замене таким образом, который позволяет поддержать источники средств к существованию для сельхозпроизводителей.

В сессионном документе 4/8 “Предложение по особо опасным пестицидам”, ФАО, ЮНЕП и ВОЗ указывают на некоторые причины для проведения действий в связи с ООП.[4] Они связывают экспозицию по ООП с растущим числом случаев рака и нарушений развития. Эти агентства выражают особую озабоченность воздействием ООП на детей, которые наиболее уязвимы к действию пестицидов в критические периоды развития. И наконец, ФАО/ЮНЕП/ВОЗ указывают на стоимость этих воздействий для общества и отмечают, что недостаточный потенциал ограничивает способность многих развивающихся стран адекватно справляться с рисками, связанными с пестицидами.

В ходе МКРХВ2, обеспокоенность в связи  с отравлением свинцом в развивающихся странах и в странах с переходной экономикой привела к созданию Глобального альянса за ликвидацию свинца в краске, координирующую роль в котором выполняли ЮНЕП и ВОЗ.[5] Этот альянс добился реального прогресса, начав практически с нуля и с минимальной нагрузкой (функции секретариата) на агентства системы ООН. Мы полагаем, что аналогичного продвижения следует добиваться и в случае ООП. Дополнительная информация по этому вопросу приводится в нашем информационном документе SAICM/ICCM.4/INF/29. Кроме того, ниже приводятся некоторые возможные цели Глобального альянса по поэтапному отказу от ООП. Предлагаемое техническое задание для альянса будет подготовлено в качестве  информационного документа (прилагается для облегчения доступа).  

Как раз перед МКРХВ4, мировое сообщество примет 17 целей устойчивого развития (ЦУР). “Продвижение устойчивого сельского хозяйства” является одним из компонентов Цели 2 и включает целевой показатель “обеспечить устойчивые системы производства продовольствия… которые помогают поддерживать экосистемы.” Поэтапный отказ от ООП тесно связан с достижением этой цели. Агроэкология считается основой устойчивого сельского хозяйства, но для ее внедрения странам требуется помощь и сотрудничество.

В действительности, во многих развивающихся странах и странах с переходной экономикой применение пестицидов в обычных условиях часто является источником значительного вреда для здоровья фермеров и экосистем. Проблема ООП не рассматривается комплексно ни в одном соглашении о международном сотрудничестве. Более 1000 организаций гражданского общества и НПО защиты общественных интересов из 100 стран активно поддерживают призыв Совета ФАО 2006 г. к последовательному запрету ООП и призывают к их замене основывающимися на экосистемном подходе альтернативами. Сейчас настало время для действий.

Благодарим за рассмотрение данного вопроса.


Цели Глобального альянса по поэтапному отказу от особо опасных пестицидов могли бы включать следующие:

(a) Повысить уровень информированности государственных учреждений и органов регулирования, фермеров и сельского населения, частного бизнеса, потребителей, работников, профсоюзов и медицинских учреждений о связанном с особо опасными пестицидами вреде и о доступности более безопасных альтернатив;

(b)  Способствовать разработке и реализации целесообразных превентивных программ для поэтапного отказа от применения особо опасных пестицидов, их замены нехимическими альтернативами, агроэкологическими и другими экосистемными подходами к устойчивому производству продовольствия и волокон, а также в сфере здравоохранения для борьбы с переносчиками заболеваний в качестве одного из приоритетов. Когда будут введены в действие процессы для поэтапного отказа от особо опасных пестицидов, необходимо будет задействовать схемы для обеспечения справедливого и безопасного перехода, защищающие здоровье работающих и сохраняющие занятость;

(c)  Предоставлять помощь фермерам, чтобы позволить им отказаться от применения особо опасных пестицидов, но сохранить при этом свои сельскохозяйственные источники средств к существованию;

(d)   Предоставлять помощь работниках здравоохранения в выявлении случаев отравления пестицидами и предоставления соответствующе отчетности, чтобы способствовать эффективному надзору и выявлению особо опасных пестицидов;

(e)    Предоставлять помощь правительственным учреждениям в определении целесообразных альтернатив, особенно что касается борьбы с переносчиками заболеваний в секторе здравоохранения;

(f)     Способствовать созданию целесообразных национальных систем регулирования с целью прекращения производства, импорта, продажи и применения особо опасных пестицидов, а также для их безопасного удаления;

(g)       Предоставлять руководящие указания и поддерживать помощь для выявления, предотвращения и сокращения экспозиции по особо опасным пестицидам, включая местных жителей в районах размещения сельхозугодий и в городах.


[1] В ходе МКРХВ3 более 65 стран и организаций подали резолюцию, которая включала “последовательный запрет ООП и их замену более безопасными альтернативами”. Это отражало рекомендацию Совета ФАО 2006 г. о “последовательном запрете особо опасных пестицидов”.

[2] В декабре 2014 г., на заседании Рабочей группы открытого состава СПМРХВ, весь Африканский регион призывал к созданию Глобального альянса по поэтапному отказу от особо опасных пестицидов. Этот призыв получил широкую поддержку и привел к соглашению о разработке соответствующего подхода для рассмотрения на МКРХВ.

[3] После МКРХВ3 проводились три межсессионных региональных встречи СПМРХВ с участием более чем 140 стран, в ходе которых подтверждали связанные с ООП опасения и требовали больше информации об экосистемных подходах для борьбы с вредителями в качестве альтернативы для ООП.

[4] Документы сессии на всех языках ООН размещена на сайте: http://www.saicm.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=525&Itemid=700


The fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4) took place in Geneva from 28 September to 2 October, 2015. ICCM is the governing body of UNEP’s Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), an Approach which covers all agricultural and industrial chemicals throughout their lifecycle, and reflects environmental, economic, social, health and labour aspects of chemical safety. SAICM brings together stakeholders and sectors that include agriculture, environment, health, industry, labour, economics, science and academia to catalyse achievement of the goal by 2020 “that chemicals are used and produced in ways that minimize adverse effects on human health and the environment.”

The post-2015 Development Agenda provides a historic opportunity to place sound management of chemicals and waste at the heart of sustainable development. ICCM4  facilitated the exchange needed to promote sharing of resources and forging of partnerships. The high-level segment on 1-2 October  with participation of ministers, heads of United Nations agencies and organizations, Chief Executive Officers and high-level participants from major groups and stakeholders provided a platform for discussing ways that SAICM can contribute to implementing and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The high-level segment  featured keynote speeches and panel participation from senior levels of global business and industry, government, NGOs, and donors.

Stakeholders renewed  and confirmed their commitment to act  in order to reach the 2020 goal- ensuring the proper management of chemicals .By the end of meeting the resolutions were adopted.  Meeting documents and information are available  at www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.org/?q=en/.


Dr. Elena Manvelyan, President of NGO AWHHE  participated in ICCM4 as SAICM focal point from RA NGO sector sharing  experience related to the SAICM issues in the area of pesticides, pesticides waste, chemicals in products and etc.

AWHHE is a member of the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) that brings together leading environmental and public health groups around the world to establish and implement safe chemicals policies and practices that protect human health and the environment. IPEN’s information (including an agenda, other meeting documents and more) on ICCM4 is available at: 



ipen team iccm4


Nowadays, under conditions of high rate of migration in Armenia, it is of particular importance to improve the conditions for education and development of the rising generation.

With a view to contributing to the reconstruction of the school in the village of Ditak of Ararat province, during the period of renovation of the school, the Embassy of Japan granted 110 000 USD, and the Swiss “Sourire vers I’Avenir” Foundation provided  166000 USD. This support helped renovate the roof, reinforce the school building, provide insulation, renovate the gym, construct toilets inside the school, construct a septic tank outside the school and for energy efficiency install new doors and windows. The school, which is attended by 80 students, has not been renovated since 1968, year of its foundation.

On the 25th of August 2015 a new grant contract of 88,113 USD was signed between the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Armenia and the “Armenian women for Health and Healthy Environment” NGO to complete the renovation of the school.

The Governor of Ararat province thanked the government of Japan and the Swiss Foundation for their investment in renovation of the school, thanks to which the school children will be provided with better conditions for their learning and development.

On the 9th of June 2015, was the opening ceremony of High-Level International Conference on Implementation of International Decade for Action “Water for Life” in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

“Women Water Forum” pre-conference was organized. Co-organisers were: Women for Water Partnership (WfWP), EBRD, Oxfam, UN Women, Global Water Forum (GWF). AWHHE as a member of WfWP had an active role in the pre-conference and presented case on the Implementation of the UNECE/WHO Protocol in Armenia”.

Women for Water Partnership (WfWP)  commits to the establishment of a dedicated Women and Water Fund, as it was proposed during the Dushanbe’s High Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action ‘Water for Life’ 2005-1015 two years ago. The Fund would serve as a flexible co-financing modality to mobilize resources to improve women’s roles in and contributions to water management, diplomacy and knowledge transfer. WfWP called on the commitment of this High-level Conference for the establishment of this dedicated Women for Water Fund as called for during the High- level Conference on Water Cooperation in Dushanbe, 2013.

As WfWP stands for raising the profile of women’s involvement on an equitable basis in

the water sector, WfWP proposes an UN International Water and Women Year (2017) and UN Water and Women Day (2017) – 25 years after the adoption of the Dublin Principle 3; WfWP encouraged the participating states to commit to these initiatives and to report at the next international water related fora on the actual progress achieved.

Two publications were launched and presented by Women for Water Partnership in cooperation with UN Women and UN-DPAC and UNU INWEH. “Inclusion of women increases effectiveness and efficiency” is one of the conclusions of the

publication: Women as Agents of Change in Water: reflections on experiences

from the field. The publication gives examples of how to include women in water initiatives, the challenges faced and lessons learnt. The cases show the importance and benefits that involving women has in the design and planning stages of water initiatives, from reducing inefficient use of funds and increasing transparency, to finding appropriate, affordable solutions and achieving better operation and maintenance. The second publication is the result of a study by UNU INWEH in collaboration with WfWP. “Women, Wash and the Water for Life Decade: an emerging framework for success post-2015”. The publication gives insight in what works in practice and what not. It also shows clearly what the benefits of a supporting network like Women for

Water Partnership are at different levels. 

AWHHE contributed in development of the publication “Women as Agents of Change in Water: reflections on experiences from the field” is available at the AWHHE website


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The World Water Forum is the world’s largest meeting on water. Every three years, the World Water Forum mobilizes creativity, innovation, and know-how around water. The World Water Forum consists of at least three processes: the Political Process, the Thematic Process and the Regional Process, while gathering officials, legislators and local and regional authorities from more than 150 nations. Each topic is developed in cooperation with the private sector, governments, industry, IGOs, NGOs and academic groups into a common framework of goals and concrete targets to reach. AWHHE was very active before and during the 7th World Water Forum in South Korea from 10 – 17 April 2015.

On behalf of AWHHE Ms. Emma Anakhasyan participated in the pre-conference on “Gender Equity for a Water-Secure Future” organized by the Women for Water Partnership in Gyeongju, Gyeongbuk, South Korea, on the 10-11th of April 2015. She presented the principles and requirements of the Protocol on Water and Health. The Protocol promotes equitable access, water and health relationship, emphasizes public participation in decision-making and responsibility and accountability of governmental policies and programs to the public.

This discussion offered an opportunity to introduce the organization and its capacity at a high level, to share the successes, as well the difficulties relating to financial challenges of women’s organizations.

During the pre-conference, recommendations and ideas for implementation were developed and presented per theme by the members of WfWP during the “Thematic Special Session 21 Women for a water secure world: past, present and future” held in Daegu, on the 15th of April.  Ms. Emma Anakhasyan introduced the outcomes of the pre-conference on “Enough Safe Water”. Recommendations were formulated to implement and upscale solutions to achieve a water secure future where gender equality is the norm.

Women play an important role in water management, making multiple and maximum use of water sources. Active women have leadership and networking opportunities using their capacities effectively being part of Active Women’s Groups.



20 March 2015
“Dvin” Hall, Ani Plaza Hotel, Yerevan

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A regional workshop entitled “SAICM – a global international tool for the promotion and development of chemical safety goals” was organized in Yerevan, March 20, 2015. The workshop brought together 35 representatives of state and public sectors from 4 EECCA countries.

The event was held within the framework of the GGF – supported project “Through Toxic –  Free Products to Healthy Generation”, implemented by the NGO “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment”. The aim of the project is to promote the involvement of civil society in the implementation of the national policy to reduce the risks of exposure to heavy metals and other toxic chemicals.

Welcoming the participants, the Head of the NGO “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” Elena Manvelyan noted that “the issues of chemical safety are an integral part of the national security strategy. At risk is the health of tens of thousands of people. The pollution of food, drinking water supplies, increased soil degradation, declining biodiversity, wasteful use of natural resources, not fully realized constitutional rights of Armenian citizens to a healthy environment still remain as issues requiring solutions. This is only a small part of the national chemical safety issues that require more attention from the government and public participation.”

The workshop participants shared their experiences and results of the projects implemented in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia. Also were presented the results of monitoring of heavy metals in food and the environment. The participants also discussed the ways to reduce the risk of contamination by heavy metals and toxic waste.

Studies have shown the need for a broad information campaign in all regions of the EECCA countries to reduce risks to people living in the contaminated areas.

Inna Konyukhova, an expert of the NGO “Independent Ecological Expertise”, noted in her speech, that so far, the NGOs working in the field of chemical safety are uncoordinated, but the experience of work through national and international networks showed the effectiveness of such cooperation by the example of cooperation with the IPEN.
 The participants of the meeting received information materials about risk reduction to human health from toxic chemicals. Olga Tsygulyova, Head of the chemical program “MAMA-86” (Ukraine), noted that in the world, more than 25% of diseases are caused by environmental factors, including the adverse effects of chemicals. Therefore, the non-governmental organizations in Ukraine, who are concerned about the chemical safety of the population, implement campaigns to make the government take decisive actions to reduce the risks from chemicals. They also inform the public about the dangers and the availability of alternatives. Her colleague Denis Pavlovskyi said, “Widespread initiatives and campaigns in Ukraine, organized by non-governmental organizations for the collection of waste batteries, the enthusiasm of the population and the intent of domestic business for the organization of logistics and recycling give hope to address the problem relating to this part of the e-waste in the country.”

Participants discussed recommendations for the integration of chemicals management into national development strategies.

For more information, please contact Elena Manvelyan, the project coordinator, calling a phone number (+374) 91 19 79 97, or sending a message to an e-mail address of NGO “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment”: office@awhhe.am.

The United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action “Water for Life 2005-2015” (UNO-IDfA), implementing the UN-Water Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) organized the international conference: “Water and sustainable development: From vision to action”, held in Zaragoza, Spain from 15 to 17 January 2015. 
The UN-Water Conference provided a space for dialogue on the implementation of the sustainable development goals on water and sanitation. 
Participants from the business community, governments, civil society, academia and media met with United Nations Agencies and programs, to discuss the tools for implementing the post 2015 agenda for water. Additional information about the conference can be found at: http://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/waterandsustainabledevelopment2015/ 
Emma Anakhasyan, Head of the Environmental Health Department of AWHHE, was panelist on Tuesday 16 January 2015 at the Parallel Stakeholder Session on capacity development for WASH, presenting the experience and tool/practice successfully implemented by AWHHE (http://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/waterandsustainabledevelopment2015/pdf/Emma_Anakhasyan_CaseBMGDG.pdf ).

