Stakeholders coordination meeting
18 November, 2013
11:00 – 11:15 – Registration and coffee
11:15 – 11:30 – Opening
Emma Anakhasyan, Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment, Head of the Environmental Health Department
Nune Bakunts, Head of Legal Instruments and Document Flow Management Division of the State Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Health
Ashot Abgaryan, Head of Akhuryan Water Basin Management Authority of the Water Resources Management Agency, Ministry of Nature Protection
Hamlet Gasparyan, Head of the Nature Protection Division, Department of Agriculture and Nature Protection, Shirak Regional Administration, proposed Steering
11:30 – 13:00 –Protocol on Water and Health, main aspects of its implementation and public participation in Armenia
Emma Anakhasyan, AWHHE (Presentation1) (Presentation2)
Quality of drinking water and water-related diseases: overview and challenges ahead
Nune Bakunts, Ministry of Health
Development of the River basins management plans in Armenia and the Protocol
Ashot Abgaryan, Ministry of Nature Protection
Baseline analysis for setting national targets under the Protocol in Armenia-Preliminary Results
Emma Anakhasyan, AWHHE (Presentation)
Drinking water supply and sanitation challenges in Shirak marz
Gevorg Petrosyan, Gyumri Aarhus Center
Questions and discussions
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Drinking water supply and sanitation challenges in Lori marz
Perch Bojukyan, Vanadzor Aarhus Center (Presentation)
Contamination of surface waters in Lori marz
Manya Meliqjanyan, “EcoLore”, Stepanavan Aarhus Center (Presentation)
Questions and discussions, focusing on concrete recommendations for prioritization of national targets from the participating marzes, taking into consideration local issues and priorities.
15:00 Closing