

Ninth meeting of the Steering Committee of the
National Water Policy Dialogue on IWRM in Armenia


Date: December 12, 2012
Venue: “Regance” hotel complex, Davit Anhaght 10/1, Yerevan
Languages: Armenian, English with simultaneous translation

09:00-09:30 Registration and Coffee

The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Volodya Narimanyan, Head of the Water Resources Management Agency of the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia, Chairman of the NPD Steering Committee

09:30-09:45 Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

Purpose of the meeting and adoption of the agenda – Mr. Volodya Narimanyan
Opening statements
Alisher Mamadzhanov, Environmental Affairs Officer, Environment Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Tatiana Efimova, OECD/EAP Task Force Secretariat
Ina Iankulova, International Aid/Cooperation Officer, Delegadation of the EU to Armenia

09:45-10:00 Session I – Status of NPD Activities in Armenia
Mr. Volodya Narimanyan
Status of NPD activities, update on the recent development in water sector of Armenia and in the region
Reflections by members of the Steering Committee representing different agencies

10:00 – 12:00 Session II – Launching of the “Water and Health” project

1. Presentations

“The Protocol on Water and Health: advantages for Armenia to become a Party” – Rainer Enderlein, UNECE Consultant (30 minutes) (Presentation)

“Quality of drinking water and water-related diseases: overview and challenges ahead” – Nune Bakunts, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia (15 minutes) (Presentation)

“Water supply and sanitation in urban areas: overview and challenges” – Harutyun Khachatryan, State Committee on Water Systems of the Ministry of Territorial Administration of the Republic of Armenia (15 minutes) (Presentation)

“Water management: efficient systems to protect the quality of sources of drinking water” – Vilik Sargsyan, Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction (15 minutes) (Presentation)

«Local problems and solutions for drinking water and sanitation» – Emma Anakhasyan, “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” NGO (15 minute) (Presentation)

«The new UNECE-FinWaterWei project on setting targets under the Protocol on Water and Health» – Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE (20 minutes) (Presentation)

2. Policy discussion
3. Decision(s) by the Steering Commitee


12:00-13:00 Lunch


13:00 – 15:00 Session III – Economic instruments in water management

1. Presentations

  • Towards a development of a national strategy on sustainable sanitation (1 hour 15 minutes)
  • Launching of a comprehensive assessment of selected economic instruments in the water sector of Armenia (40 minutes)

2. Policy discussion
3. Decision(s) by the Steering Commitee


15:00-15:30 Coffee break


15:30-17:00 SESSION IV – EU funded “Environmental Protection of International River Basins” project

1. Presentations

  • Main activities of the project and the progress – Zurab Jincharaddze, Deputy Team Leader of the project (20 minutes) (Presentation)
  • River basin analysis for Akhuryan Water Basin Management Area – Benyamin Zakaryan, Director of “Geoinfo” LLC (30 minutes) (Presentation)
  • Workplan of the upcoming 6 months – Vahagn Tonoyan, Country water management expert – Armenia (20 minutes) (Presentation1) (Presentation2)

2. Policy discussion
3. Decision(s) by the Steering Commitee


17:00-17:20 Coffee break


17:20 – 18:00 SESSION V – Cross-fertilization with the NPD process and technical assistance projects in Armenia

1. Presentations

  • Presentation of the EC-funded “Transboundary River Management for the Kura River Basin – Phase III” regional project (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia) – Mr. Anatoly Pichugin (15 minutes) (Presentation)
  • Presentation of the USAID Clean Water and Energy Program in Armenia – Ms. Lilit Harutyunyan (15 minutes) (Presentation)
  • Presentation of the UNDP/GEF “Reducing Transboundary Degradation in the Kura-Aras River Basin” regional project (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia) – Mr. Harald Leummens (15 minutes) (Presentation)
  • Representatives of other organizations and projects will inform the Steering Committee members on their activities
  • 2. Decision(s) by the Steering Commitee


18:00-18:15 Session VISteering Committee Decisions

Mr. Narimanyan will moderate the session and recall decisions taken under previous agenda items.

All participants are cordially invated to a reception, organized after the meeting


