Duration: September 2005 – May 2006
Investigation activities were financed by the Aposhian family in memory of Mr and Mrs Levon Aposhian.

Goal : Increased awareness and knowledge on environmental pollution exposure on children’s health in Yerevan by 2006


  • Determine the possible association between occurrence of congenital defects and some pollutants exposure.
  • Educate parents, teachers and communities about types and routs of exposure and how to recognize and avoid unsafe exposure, e.g. safe chemical use and distribution, disposal, and appropriate alternatives.
  • Educate environmental actors, media, policy-makers and other professionals about chemical risks and risk communication.
  • Raise the awareness of decision makers about the risks to children’s health and development associated with chemical use and encourage policies that take into account a child’s special vulnerability to chemicals
  • Train health professionals about children’s unique vulnerability to certain chemicals and the risks of chemical exposures in Yerevan


On the photo (from left to right): Elena Manvelyan, the leader of AWHHE,
Professor of Arisona University USA V.Aposhyan with his wife
and Alla Hambartsumyan, the leader of HAZER, on CEHCA, Almaty, 2004