Joint Press Release of the Arnika Association and
the organisation Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE)
30 November 2010
Czech experts discover old DDT stocks in Armenia and help with solutions
PRAGUE – Representatives of the Toxics and Waste Programme of the Arnika Association discovered DDT contamination in all old pesticide storage areas during a recent mission to Armenia. The experts presented first results of analyses of samples taken during the mission. “Essentially in all places examined by us where pesticides are, or have been, stored, DDT contamination to various extent was found, and, in one case, even its old stocks in torn bags. However, the problem concerns not only DDT,” commented a co-author on the first analyses, Ing. Marek Šír from the Institute of Chemical Technology. This is true in spite of the fact that DDT was banned a long time ago. “This is bad news for our country, but, at the same time, we know better now what substances contaminate premises of old pesticide storages and disposal sites. We have tried to draw attention of both national and international institutions to this issue for a long time already,” said Elena Manvelyan, the President of the organisation Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE). Now, this organisation will use the obtained data both for negotiations with authorities and for informing local citizens, often living in close vicinity to former pesticide storages.
Within the framework of the project entitled “Scaling up Experience in Improvement of Chemical Safety to Contribute to Poverty Reduction in Rural Armenia”, the Arnika Association helps a local non-governmental organisation with plan for decontamination of old environmental burdens. In July, Armenia was visited by a six-member Czech team formed by young scientists from universities – specifically, from the Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment of the Masaryk University in Brno, and the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague – and environmentalists from the Arnika Association. They examined 4 places of old pesticide storages and one dumping site for wastes from metallurgical industry. The joint 18-months project of Arnika and AWHHE was supported by funds from the EU, UNDP and foreign foundations.
“We want to help Armenia to get rid of old environmental burdens, on the basis of Czech experiences. We know that the first step is to map the extent of the problem. Whereas old environmental burdens are more or less mapped in the Czech Republic, also thanks to the fact that laboratories are well equipped, in Armenia it is known that hazardous pesticides are, or have been, stored in certain places, but it is not known which ones and to which extent they contaminated the buildings, soil, and the other environmental components,” emphasized the Press Agent of Arnika, Mgr. Zora Kasikova, the main difference between the situation in the Czech Republic and in Armenia. In order that any country, including Armenia, could be able to choose a suitable decontamination method, and to find financing for it, it is first necessary to estimate, among other things, the amount of material which has to be decontaminated.
According to criteria used in the Czech Republic, all the 4 mapped pesticide storages would have to be decontaminated. Definitely, for example fertilizers and pesticides used at present could not be stored in them. “This is one of the first simple measures we will recommend to our authorities. Without the analyses organised by Arnika, we would not have sufficient data for it,” said Emma Anakhasian from the AWHHE, describing one of the practical outputs of the research.
“One of the most shocking findings was that one of the pesticide samples from the storage in Jrarat contained 50% of DDT. The estimated amount of this pesticide stored here is in the order of hundreds of kilograms. The pesticide is lying in torn bags in a completely destroyed building, and, thus, it is readily scattered by wind and washed away by rain. The result of it is massive contamination of the surrounding landscape,” stated Ing. Zuzana Honzajkova from the Institute of Chemical Technology.
In the place where old pesticide stocks were dumped near Nubarashen, contamination by hazardous pesticides was found also out of the actual fenced area of the pesticide burial site. “It means that the danger of food chain contamination exists here. The area is accessible also for grazing cattle,” said Ing. Marek Sir. It is surprising that people living in the vicinity of the storages are not aware of the possible risk. “In the neighbourhood of the old pesticide storages, they grow vegetables, fish, and cattle, and drink water from uncovered wells without fear. However, they did not have information about the presence of pesticides such as DDT and lindane until now. We will inform them and we will ask state authorities for help with this,” said Elena Manvelyan.
Until now, only a burial site containing about 500 tons of pesticides, located not far from Yerevan, was discussed in Armenia. “The investigation organised by Arnika showed that contamination by pesticides such as DDT and other hazardous organochlorine pesticides ranking among persistent organic pollutants concerns more places,” noted the executive director of the Toxics and Waste Programme of the Arnika Association, and the coordinator of the Czech-Armenian project, RNDr. Jindřich Petrlík.
“In the next phase, we will examine the level of food chain contamination, and pesticide spreading by air out of the areas of their storages. In the end of the project, we would like to be able to at least outline the possibilities of decontamination of the places polluted with old pesticides. We will try to find help also from the Czech state institutions and we will look for the available technologies usable for solving the problem in Armenia. For all of these, cooperation with the international network IPEN is important for us. Both organisations are members of the network,” specified Petrlík on the next steps of Arnika in the project.
Arnika has experience with solving a similar problem in Klatovy – Luby, where it succeeded in pushing through decontamination of buildings used as a pesticide storage and preparation facility in the past. AWHHE members visited Klatovy on Monday, 29 November, within the framework of their several days lasting study trip to the Czech Republic. However, pesticide residues were not stored in Luby any more, in contrast to the Armenian storages.
The joint project entitled „Scaling up Experience in Improvement of Chemical Safety to Contribute to Poverty Reduction in Rural Armenia” was developed in the middle of 2009, and it was started in the end of the same year, thanks to financial support from the European Commission.
This press release is developed with the financial assistance of the European Union. Its contents are sole responsibility of Arnika Association and Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
On the 15 th of October, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. the event dedicated to the Rural Women’s International Day took place at the Fundamental Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences (address: Baghramyan 24D, room 610).
Each year the United Nations Organization celebrates the 15 th of October as a Rural Women’s International Day to show a respect and reverence to the rural women and enhance their role in rural and agriculture development.
According to the facts at least 1,6 billion rural women are engaged in agricultural activities. Women produce more than half of all the food that is grown. Women own only 2 per cent of the land, and receive only one per cent of all agricultural credit. Women represent two third of all illiterate people. The number of rural women living in poverty has doubled since 1970.
The “Rural Sustainable Development” Agricultural Foundation organizing this event together with the “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” NGO also pursue the same objective: to emphasize the importance of women’s role and present a small holiday to them, as well as to afford an opportunity to get acquainted with one another and share their experience. This is a unique possibility to buy ecologically safe products immediately from the farmer.
Press Release
On 31 August the film “Pesticides. Are They Really Necessary?” will be presented at the UN Office in Armenia . The film gives insight on the improper management of agrochemicals, including POPs (persistent organic pollutants), which pose hazards to human health and the environment. It also demonstrates the importance of raising public awareness among those using pesticides.
Some of the issues hampering the spread of knowledge on this issue are the limited availability of clear mechanisms for awareness raising or educational programmes, and the lack of specialized trainers in villages.
W elcoming speeches will be delivered by the Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia Raul de Luzenberger and the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Dirk Boberg. Representatives of the Global Environmental Facility’s Small Grants Programme /GEF SGP/ in Armenia , as well as interested ministries, NGOs and mass media are invited to participate in the presentation, which will start at 12:00.
The film was produced within the framework of two projects , aiming at safe management of pesticides, using natural alternatives to pesticides and raising the awareness of the rural population. The projects are “Scaling up Experience in Improvement of Chemical Safety to Contribute to Poverty Reduction in Rural Armenia”, funded by the European Union ( € 186,000 EU contribution ) and co-funded by Arnika, GGF, IPEN, AWHHE, GEF, WECF (total of € 63 000). It is implemented jointly by the “Arnika” Czech Association and the Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment /AWHHE/ . The other project is “Awareness – Raising on POPs and Toxic Chemicals for Risk Reduction in Hayanist, Khachpar, Fantan, Kaghsi, Solak and Dzoraghbyur Communities, Armenia” funded by the Global Environmental Facility’s Small Grants Program, and implemented by AWHHE.
For more information please contact Ms. Lusine Nalbandyan by phone number: 52 36 04 or email: .
“Pesticides. Are They Really Necessary?” film presentation
• 12:00- 12:20 Registration
• 12:20-12:25 Welcoming speech of Mrs. Elena Manvelyan, the President of AWHHE NGO
• 12:25:12:30 Welcoming speech of Mr. Raul de Luzenberger, the Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia
• 12:30-12:35 Welcoming speech of Mr. Dirk Boberg, the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative
• 12:35-12:45 “Pesticides. Are They Really Necessary?” film demonstration
• 12:45- 13:00 Discussions (questions and answers)
• 13:00-13:30 Coffee break
Hasmik Danielyan, the “RadioLur”
Nearly two weeks ago public and state bodies focused on Nubarashen waste burial ground . On May 6 our country’s government allocated 31 million AMD to commence the first stage to solve this problem.
Environmentalists oppose to burning pesticides and told PM Tigran Sargsyan about this. PM said unless we have international expert opinions, the decision won’t naturally be accepted. “All NGOs interested in this issue will certainly be attracted to decision-making process,” PM said.
Mini-Hearing on Obsolete Pesticides in Eastern European Countries, the Caucasus and Central Asian countries were organized 29.06.10 in European Parliament by Mr. John Vijgen the Director of the International HCH & Pesticides Association (IHPA) to draw international attention on the world-wide problem s related the obsolete pesticides storage, treatment , disposal and its dangers for human health and the environment. On the agenda the urgent case from Armenia was presented by ambassador of OSCE in Armenia Sergey P. Kapinos with demonstration of the film. Two more cases were presented from Azerbaijan and Moldova.
Speakers from EU Parliament and EU commission introduced the strategies and concrete steps for implementation of Action Plan on Elimination of POPs, how to integrate this problem in wide EU program like Neighbourhood programme Project. Slovenian Speaker introduced the example on the cooperation, preparation of the strategy, common use of financial sources biletarel and multilateral cooperation established among Danube countries, how OP issue were integrated in common strategy programme. All speakers underlined the idea that the issue of obsolete pesticide should be prioritized in the national development plans.
After presentations the questions and discussion were suggested by chair.
Dr. Elena Manvelyan head of AWHHE had an intervention highlighting the situation with OP burial ground in Armenia and the last information concerning the monotoring of the site.
The short estimation of the emergency situation of Armenian case was done and recommentations related to the next steps of Action Plan were suggested by AWHHE.
The cases presented by countries has created the basis for a joint and supported international platform to prepare specific action programs to support the countries of EECCA.
on 29 June 2010
Dear members of EU Parliament, the European Commission and representatives of the international organizations! I am Elena Manvelyan, president of the NGO Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment, short AWHHE. Let me present to you a brief information on our role as a civil society organization in discovering and assessing the serious problem of the toxic burial ground in Armenia. And then I would like to ask you four questions.
AWHHE as a women’s environmental health organization is working for sustainable development, protection of human health and the environment in Armenia. Among the activities of our NGO the hazardous waste management is the most important one. Since we discovered the huge pesticides burial site in 2000, we have been monitoring the situation, and informed the governmental bodies and interested stakeholders about the results of our investigations. The problem of the burial ground has been in the centre of our attention for about for 10 years on end. During this period of time AWHHE did the sampling of soil, vegetations, water, breast milk and cow milk. The results have pointed to high and increasing concentrations of DDT and its metabolites as well as HCH in soil samples. The analyses were done by a certificated laboratory in Yerevan. The geological investigation on the landslide movement was carried out for our NGO by Geological Institute of the National Academy of Science. Most of these research results were alarming and were brought several times to the attention of the Armenian Government and the mass media. We did a lot of awareness rising. In 2004, 2005 the Government undertook the temporary protective measures but they did not succeed to protect the local population and the environment from the high risks of the sliding toxic burial. AWHHE brought this emergency situation issue to the attention of international organizations such as OSCE, UNEP, FAO, IPHA being supported by large international NGO networks as International POPs Elimination Network /IPEN/ and Women in Europe for a Common Future /WECF/.
We are very happy that the European Parliament has put this emergency case on their agenda and we are grateful to Mr. John Vijgen for his strong initiative to discuss the possible action to be taken by EU and the international community support. I would like to give some more information from our last monitoring visit to the burial site a few days ago. As you heard from Mr. Capinos and Mr. John Vijgen whom we accompanied to the burial site two months ago the disastrous events happened this year.
Though the Government has covered the opened burial ground with new protective layer we found out a week ago that still there is smelling around the burial. Specially it smells around the swampy areas below the burial. This is a sign that pollution has invaded the surrounding area already.
Though almost 3 months have passed we still have no precise data about the levels of pollution and the magnitude of polluted area. There are a few official data of 4 samples which were analyzed by the Centre for Ecological-Noosphere Studies. We are loosing the time as according to the different experts the levels of pollution were alarming. May be officials were careful in order to avoid the panic among the local population.
My questions are
• How and by whom will the risk assessment be done regarding the health effects of the environmental pollution of local population
• How will the local population be informed and involved in decision making process about health protection and in finding sound solution
• How and by whom the risks to agriculture will be assessed as the distance of the burial ground is only 25 km far from the main agricultural region Ararat valley. The water pollution from the burial may reach the river Hrazdan which feeds the river that irrigates this valley.
• Can the EU play a role in enabling NGO, to continue and strengthen its role as a watch dog but also a good partner in finding the best solution and achieving public support.
Elena Manvelyan,
President of AWHHE
Address and contacts
Baghramyan 24D, room 609
Yerevan 0019, Armenia
Tel 00 374 10 523604
For immediate release: 7 June 2010
Contact: Imogen Ingram, mobile: +612 668 15340
Jamidu Katima, mobile: +255 787 7171 02
Mariann Lloyd-Smith, mobile: +612 668 15340
Mercury-contaminated fish served to delegates at UN mercury negotiation
Delegates must address a poisoned food source
(Stockholm, Sweden) – Delegates at the first UN negotiating meeting for a global mercury treaty tasted fish under public advisory for mercury contamination. At lunch time, the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) distributed more than 200 tasty samples of perch that is so contaminated the Swedish National Food Administration recommends eating it only two – three times per year for women who are trying to conceive a baby, are pregnant, or breastfeeding.
“We want the delegates to confront the mercury treaty negotiations from a fish-eaters point of view,” said Imogen Ingram, Island Sustainability Alliance based in the Cook Islands. “That means acting to protect our children and billions of people who rely on fish for food.”
Globally, fish is a major source of human exposure to mercury and a vital source of food. According to the UN, fish provides at least 40% of protein for two-thirds of the world’s population, including most of the world’s poor. Cooking or removing the skin does not remove mercury. Mercury is highly toxic, especially to the developing brain. The nervous system damage is irreversible.
“Most of the world is not aware of this treaty negotiation, so we are bringing the world situation to the negotiators.” said Professor Jamidu Katima, IPEN Co-Chair based in Tanzania. “The world needs a treaty that makes fish safe to eat by eliminating all human sources of mercury.”
Mercury is transformed into methyl mercury by micro-organisms in the environment. Methyl mercury then accumulates up the food chain as larger fish eat smaller ones. Due to long-range transport high mercury levels are observed in the Arctic, far from the sources of any significant releases. This makes mercury contamination a global issue.
Mercury is released to the environment from many sources including: coal combustion, mining activities, mercury-containing products and devices, product manufacturing sites, metal refining and recycling, cement kilns, waste dumps and incinerators, contaminated sites, crematoria and many others.
IPEN – Is a global network of more then 700 public interest organizations from over 100 countries working for the elimination of toxic substances threatening current and future generations.
For more information about IPEN’s Mercury Free Campaign see:
Healthy Environment for Our Children – Healthy Generation for Armenia
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury
First session
Stockholm, 7 to 11 June, 2010
С 7-по 11 июня 2010 года в Стокгольме проходит первое заседание Международного переговорного комитета по ртути.
Новости “Эко-Согласия” по химической безопасности
Эти вопросы были в числе приоритетных на проходящих в настоящее время в Стокгольме переговорах по подготовке имеющего обязательную юридическую силу глобального документа по ртути.
По мнению Японии, необходимо принять положение по эффективному управлению ртуть содержащими отходами. Уже к 2011 году страна намерена завершить работу по инвентаризации отходов и мест их захоронения, а также по определению эффективных методов очистки. Япония считает необходимым установить пороги содержания ртути для ртуть содержащих товаров, исходя из ограничений Базельской конвенции.
Как отметил представитель Китая, в прошлом страна не осознавала в достаточной степени серьезности проблемы ртуть содержащих отходов, не учитывала все возможные последствия. Сейчас Китай столкнулся с тем, что проблема загрязненных территорий приобретает все большую остроту. К 2015 году правительство предложило создать систему контроля и оценки по тяжелым металлам. По мнению Китая, Базельская конвенция может сыграть важную роль по поддержке будущей конвенции по ртути, учитывая при этом, что страны будут нуждаться в финансовой и технической поддержке при решении проблем удаления отходов и реабилитации загрязненных участков.
По мнению Норвегии, договор по ртути должен содержать положения об экологически чистом устранении ртуть содержащих отходов – хранение ртути и ртуть содержащих отходов также входит в круг этих вопросов. Кроме того, документ должен включать положения о составлении регистров ртути и ртуть содержащих отходов. Должны быть перечислены процессы, которые приводят к образованию таких отходов. Такие отходы должны быть отделены от других отходов и перерабатываться в отдельных местах. Следует также подумать о лимитах и порогах содержания ртути в отходах. При этом делегат Норвегии подчеркнул, что поддерживает положения Базельской конвенции по экологически обоснованному управлению ртуть содержащими отходами.
По словам представителя ЕС – ртуть содержащие отходы часто захораниваются параллельно с другими отходами. Этот аспект проблемы должен быть учтен при описании таких полигонов.
Как отметил делегат от Мексики, в стране еще с колониальных времен находятся места, где захоронены отходы горно-добывающей деятельности с большим процентом содержания в них опасных веществ. Отходы горно-добывающей промышленности – важный источник вторичного загрязнения ртутью.
Неправительственные организации подготовили отдельное заявление по ртуть содержащим отходам. Как отмечается в заявлении, отходы, содержащие ртуть, представляют серьезную опасность для развивающихся стран и стран с переходной экономикой. Некоторые делегаты говорили о целесообразности перевести обсуждение проблем, связанных со ртуть содержащими отходами, под юрисдикцию Базельской конвенции. По их мнению, новое соглашение по ртути не нуждается в положениях, связанных с отходами. НПО выступают против подобной позиции.
Цель нового соглашения – защита здоровья людей и окружающей среды от воздействия ртути. Это включает и отходы. Важно, чтобы переговорный комитет рассмотрел все элементы, касающиеся отходов, и добился бы исключения возможных пробелов и недопонимания между двумя соглашениями, а именно, Базельской конвенцией и готовящимся новым договором по ртути.
Вот некоторые вопросы, связанные со ртуть содержащими отходами:
1.Является ли элементарная ртуть, используемая в качестве сырья в производственных процессах и товарах, отходом или товаром?
2. Какой минимальный уровень ртути должен быть в отходах и на загрязненных территориях прежде чем они могут считаться “чистыми” от ртути?
За последние 10 лет структуры Базельской конвенции не смогли разработать стандарты по содержанию СОЗ в отходах, известные как низкие уровни содержания СОЗ, которые бы отвечали интересам здоровья человека. Это произошло потому, что Стокгольмская конвенция о СОЗ передала этот вопрос под ответственность Базельской конвенции. В результате мы имеем небезопасное регулирование отходов, содержащих СОЗ. Такого нельзя допустить в рамках нового соглашения по ртути.
Конвенция по ртути должна сохранить под своей юрисдикцией определение того, что собой представляют ртуть содержащие отходы и установить уровни ртути, необходимые для принятия конкретных действий.
Еще один фактор, касающийся Базельской конвенции – это правомочность рассмотрения некоторых аспектов ртути на протяжении ее жизненного цикла. Согласно INC.1/INF/3 Базельской конвенции, конвенция:
1. Не рассматривает вопросы добычи и торговли первичной ртутью;
2. Не регулирует трансграничное передвижение химических веществ и товаров и не устанавливает ограничения на элементарную ртуть и соединения ртути;
3. Не регулирует вопросы восстановления загрязненных территорий, оказывающих негативное воздействие на здоровье людей и окружающую среду.
Кроме того, в рамках Базельской конвенции не разработан финансовый механизм. Поэтому решение отнести вопросы ртутных отходов под юрисдикцию Базельской конвенции могут иметь непредсказуемые последствия, связанные, например, с тем, что национальные инициативы по контролю отходов не будут получать финансовую поддержку от финансового механизма, который будет создан в рамках нового соглашения по ртути.
И наконец, отсутствие специального понимания вопросов, связанных со ртутью, в рамках Базельской конвенции также может привести в непредсказуемым последствиям. Например, в существующем проекте технических руководящих принципов по ртуть содержащим отходам отмечается:
“возможно использовать другие типы сжигания для обращения со ртуть содержащими отходами и сбора ртути”.
Однако важно отметить, что ртуть не разрушается в процессе сжигания. Кроме того, мы убеждены, что сжигание отходов не является приемлемой технологией обращения со ртуть содержащими отходами.
НПО считают,что соглашение по ртути должно включать жесткие положения для решения проблем ртуть содержащих отходов для того, чтобы обеспечить выполнение главной цели соглашения – охрану здоровья людей и окружающей среды.
Загрязненные территории
Соглашение должно разработать механизм для выявления, регулирования и восстановления загрязненных ртутью территорий. Оно должно продвигать наилучшие имеющиеся технологии и практики по предотвращению загрязнения ртутью. Оно должно также продвигать наилучшие имеющиеся технологии и практики по предотвращению распространения загрязнения и восстановлению загрязненных территорий.
В связи с этим необходимо учесть принцип “загрязнитель платит”, а также разработать механизм для того, чтобы сделать этот принцип действенным инструментом будущей конвенции.
За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь:
Ольга Сперанская, руководитель Программы по химической безопасности “Эко-Согласия”,
The year of 2010 is declared by the UN organization as an International Year of Biodiversity. In this sense the 22nd of May is a special day, as this day the International Day of Biodiversity is celebrated throughout the world offering an opportunity for the public to focus its attention on this issue. Both the year and the day of biodiversity were also festive for us, the Armenian people.
The “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” NGO /AWHHE/ together with the WWF-Armenia implemented the project “Save the Leopard in Armenia” supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and the WWF Swi tzerland.
The Project concluded with the event “Save the Leopard” dedicated to the Caucasian leopard – one of the rare mammals living in Armenia . The event took place in the Yerevan State Zoo. It looked like a fairy tale, very bright and multicolored, full of smile and happiness, where more than 200 children from 7 schools of the capital took part. The event was preceded with lectures on biodiversity conservation, particularly on preservation of Caucasian leopard. The lectures were organized by AWHHE during one month f or all the 8 th form pupils of the mentioned schools with the aim of helping the children understand the importance of biodiversity for the healthy and sustainable development of the Earth. A contest of handworks on the conservation of leopard was announced among the schoolchildren of the involved schools. By the end of the contest 142 handworks of talented schoolchildren were presented and the Special Commission which was comprised of professional artists and representatives from the WWF-Armenia and the AWHHE NGO made the assessment of the works. As a result of the contest, 25 pupils were awarded prizes of 5 categories. Moreover, all the children who participated in the event were given encouraging prizes.
The event was opened with welcome words of the Minister of Nature Protection, the Honorable Consul of Norway in Armenia , and the representative of the Education Department of the Yerevan city administration. Mrs. Elena Manvelyan, the President of the AWHHE NGO, on behalf of her organization expressed her gratitude to all those people and organizations that assisted in the organization of the event. The schoolchildren (140 pupils) from 7 schools took an active part in the contest games. As a result, the school N 176 was recognized as the winner of the competition.
The celebration would not be a real one without any songs and dances. Due to nice songs, dances and a theatrical performance the event became a real festival . Everybody was in high spirits and the smile was hovering over the faces of both the grown-ups and the young. Flags were waving and multicolor balloons were flying in the air, the colors of which were appropriate to the colors of the schoolchildren’s T-shirts. A big balloon with a picture of a leopard was let out to the air and at that moment each participant looking at the sky held a big dream a bout the cloudless future for the leopards when they won’t be t h reatened with extinction, they will come to Armenia and never go away, they will stay, multiply and live for ever.
Healthy Environment for Our Children – Healthy Generation for Armenia
( New York, USA )