15-17 January 2015 — “From vision to action”, Zaragoza, Spain

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  • toxic_conf2012
5-6 September, 2013

Expert group meeting on advancing approaches towards effective prevention and reduction of water-related diseases in the European Region, Bonn, Germany

17-22 August, 2013

High Level International Conference on Water Cooperation, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

  • raising_awareness_conf2012
12-17 March, 2012

Six World Water Forum, Marsielle, France

29 March, 2010

"Scaling Up Experience in Improvement of Chemical Safety to Contribute to Poverty Reduction in Rural Armenia" project start-up meeting, Yerevan, Armenia

  • Mankatun_2011
4-7 November, 2009

ELA Open Space Meeting, Khoni, Georgia

28 September - 9 October, 2009

Bangkok Climate Change Talks

10 September, 2009

Ecosan Training in Misakceli, Georgia

12-15 August, 2009

The 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference Tampere, Finland

 July, 2009

WfWP Annual General Meeting

24 February,2009

Meeting with FAO

  • Rural Women Day 2010
 1-8 June, 2008

Sustainable energy in Germany - Training, Munich

  • Save Leopard
29 October, 2007

"Partnerships for Achieving Chemical Safety in Armenia" , Regional conference, Yerevan, Armenia

27 October, 2007

"Partnerships for Achieving Millennium Development Goals in Armenia", Yerevan, Armenia

October, 2007, Malasia

PAN International, Penang, Malasia

October, 2007, Serbia

"Women as the Voice of the Environment (WAVE)" Conference, Belgrade, Serbia

13-19 September, 2007

GAIA Global Meeting, Hondarribia, Spain

August - September, 2007

Long Term Training Course (LTTC) on NGO Managment, Ceska Skalice/ Czech Republic

July, 2007, France

UNECE Workshop on Human rights on water, July, Paris, France

July, 2007, Belarus

Belarus Wetlands: Biodiversity Conservation Training Course

3-17 June, 2007

PhD Course on Water Resource Management and Study Tour, Denmark

June, 2007

The 4th International Conference on Children's Health and Environment, Vienna, Austria

April-May, 2007

"From Best Practice to Policy", CSD-15 side event, New-York, USA

12-14 April, 2007

Conference on Ecosan, Sofia, Bulgaria

April, 2007

South Caucasus NGO Vision in Decision-Making of CSD-15, Tbilisi, Georgia

March 26-31, 2007

Management of POPs, Environmental friendly hazardous disposal, Paris, France

  • Emergency Situation
November, 2006

EUWI working group, Bonn

October, 2006

Brussels, EEB, AGM - Annual General Meeting

October 2006, Slovenia

GHS, Slovenia

September, 2006

IFCS 5th forum, Budapesht

August, 2006

Short Ecosan Training, Norway

August, 2006, Stockholm

Water Week , WfWfW AGM, Stockholm

18 September, 2006

TMF Planning Meeting for 2007

 17-20 June, 2006

EEB European Environmental Bureau Seminar on Mercury

May, 2006

CleanMed , HCWH AGM

April, 2006

South Caucasus NGO Vision in Decision-Making of CSD-14, Tbilisi, Georgia

March, 2006, Mexico

World 4th Water Forum, Mexico

March, 2006, Moldova

HCWH Workshop, Moldova

19-23 January, 2006

WECF and Unserland Women and Rural Development, Network shop

  • “The Long Nose” Perfomance
11-15 December, 2005

WECF Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands

 07-09 November, 2005

PAN EUROPE Annual Network Meeting, Krakow, Polland

19-24 September, 2005

SAICM Prep Com 3, Austria, Vienna

15-19 August, 2005

Appropriate Sanitation for the Developing World, Oslo, Norway

26-28 May, 2005

8th International HCH and Pesticides Forum, Sofia, Bulgaria

25-28 May, 2005

CEHCA Almaty, Kazakhastan Children’s Environmental Health in Central Asia

21-27 May, 2005

Second Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention, Almaty, Kazakhastan

17-19 May, 2005


10 May, 2005


02 March, 2005

Water for Women Women for Water Annual Meeting, Sosteberg, The Netherlands